
🌹 Friends call me Band. 🌹I make webcomics and the like, and I hope to some day self-publish physical copies for people to hold in their hands and sniff-- I mean read.

--- MINI-LOG ---

. 07-02-24 .Added Cara and Twitch to the Social Media icons!

. 06-22-24 .Commissions have been moved to Ko-Fi!

.07-19-24.Temporarily closing commissions while I move platforms.


[1,100 birds]

An ongoing Kenshi fancomic that has taken on a life of its own, with an introspective angle.
Hosted on Comicfury.
11 chapters completed so far.
read from startread latest chapter


A sci-fi/fantasy/multi-genre semi-nonlinear extradimensionally unstable mess of a longform story mixed with short-stories, summoned unto this realm with the power of adhd, insomnia, depression and heat death of the universe.Read the current ongoing issue!


An RPG Maker game which I am working with my friends to make into a reality.see updates on our tumblr blog!

Symphonic Poems

A three-part short-story that will be part of an omnibus some time in the future. This is just the first of many short-stories set in the world of Ondes, a strange planet where humanity as we know it is a thing of the past!read it here

Maeve's Magic Medicines!

A short-story that will be part of an omnibus some time in the future. This is a cozy slice-of-life set in the fantasy world of Eidiese, which addresses how people with pre-existing conditions such as Type-1 Diabetes may survive (and even thrive) in the fantasy world of Eidiese!read it here

The Third Arbiter

An old dropped sci-fi webcomic hosted on Comicfury that was meant to be 60-90 pages long.
This was to be "an original short-story set on a dead Earth-like planet where even technology has fallen victim to mass extinction."
Unfortunately my approach was unsuitable for completing this in a timely manner and I lost motivation. Hopefully some day I'll be able to return to it.
read it here

There are many other old dropped projects that I'm not willing to mention or link on here. If you are interested, you're free to look through my Comicfury profile and tumblr, but I will not be providing resources here.


General works


Fan-made works

A couple short comics for Phil from Neon Divide

A short Lennus II fancomic, reimagining the outcome of the final battle


Commission work examples

Some comic commissions below


I am currently ACCEPTING commissions!


ATTENTION! This contact form is for business inquiries ONLY! I will not accept commission requests via e-mail! If you wish to order a commission, please direct yourself to the COMMISSIONS tab!